Thursday, November 15, 2012

Because I'm leaving on a jetplane.

Today I bid goodbye to my house. I should really say home, because it's the closest thing to a physical manifestation of home that will ever exist for me, and I know that home is where the heart is, but a part of my heart is forever there, and it's going to get buried there, dammit, it's going to get buried there in the very earth when they tear it down.
And I walked through every room and relived every memory, good, bad and horrible and it hurts, god it hurts so much.
And I've left it so many times to go to so many places, so many cities, so many countries, so many continents, for days, weeks, months, years and I never thought twice about it because I always knew I was coming back.
And now I'm not coming back.
And I drove down the road that led to home knowing that it won't ever, ever lead to home again.
And now I'm looking out the window, to the strains of Janis Joplin, feeling every word, watching the city, my city go by for the last time for a long, long time.
And I know it'll be changed when I come back again. It's already changing. And it will all be different. Not mine, but always mine.
And I don't know whether to laugh or cry that the song that's been playing all day, that's been stuck in my head all day, is "The Man Who Cannot Be Moved". Because I'm not a man, and I clearly can't not be moved, but how I wish that title applied to me right now. How I wish I was not moving.
'cause I'm moving.


  1. This is the most brilliant piece of writing I have seen in a long time!Beautiful.

  2. WOW, Sam.
    It really is beautiful. :')
